Shorten URLs with
In the divine ocean of URL shortener, it’s really hard to choose which one will be correct and will it be able to sustain your business needs without punching a hole in your pocket.
For a couple of days, I was also searching for the link shortener and I stumble upon many of them, but then I got my eyes fixed on
=> 100% free.
=> Fast redirection.
=> Custom URL Alias.
=> Multi-Language Support.
=> Generate QR Code for all shortened links.
=> No Limits.
=> Branded URLs etc.
=> There are no cons.
Let me just wrap it up by explaining the Branded URLs part, so you can set up your own domain and create a branded short links. Branded custom domain replace the domain “” in your short links with your own branded domain. This feature is also 100% free and there is no limit.
You can check out the product on Product Hunt.
One of the examples of done by me. Click on the URL below.